Monday, June 10, 2013

He Did It!

            Yesterday was a very special day for me.  I saw a good friend reach a goal that he has worked 9 ½ years to achieve.  During that long stretch, he has transformed himself (been transformed) from a proud and stubborn SOB (his description) into a teachable and sensitive man.  The former is what he would say that he was, and the latter is what he would say God has made him.  I would say that he was always teachable and sensitive but that it was covered up in a toxic way, and that he is now is what he used to be before he allowed himself to be swallowed by his toxic thoughts.  I would also say that his stubbornness helped him to doggedly cling to his ideal in the wobbly moments.

            Isn’t it wonderful that we have the ability to change (be changed)?  Change is so difficult, so scary.  It requires us to surrender what it is that we want to change about ourselves, to give it away.  It requires us to acknowledge the status quo and to realize that there is discomfort ahead.  But at least we can change. 

            My friend says that he is not finished changing, that there are rough edges still to be smoothened.  He has more goals to accomplish, and knowing that he needs God’s help and the help of others is a great discovery.  He will utilize that help to achieve them and continue the transformation.   I likewise recognize that I cannot change without such outside help.

            I am grateful for the changes in those around me.   It gives me hope that I can continue transitioning—changing.  Change is a good thing!

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