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Summer of 2013 |
I had done psychotherapy with a transgender man, and had been
professionally seeing a gay client who is HIV positive (I have blogged about
him). I had also begun having telephone
therapy sessions with the son of a dear friend in Utah, and that son is gay.
It was as if God was bringing these people into my
professional life to enable me to see how wonderful and real they were, and to
realize that in spite of their sexual orientation, I cared deeply for
them. It was as if God wanted me to
experience a change in attitude and in my behavior.
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Bishop Robert E. Davis - 2006 to 2009 |
My wife and I have watched a number of seasons of a TV
reality show called “So You Think You Can Dance.” One of the podcasts was an interview with
Benji Schwimmer, who had won the competition in the Show’s second season. We knew that he had reported being gay, and
my wife and I were very drawn in to his story because of the Show and because
he was LDS. We were spellbound by it.
He was a returned missionary and had emotionally battled his
same-sex attraction for most of his life, even during his mission, and
especially during the Show. He related
over and over again that constant conflict that raged within him, between his
desires that he couldn’t pray or fast away and the teachings of the Church that
forbade acting on homosexual desires. He
discussed the constant shame and guilt he felt, and how it affected his work,
his relationships, his life. He talked
about getting into an opposite gender relationship, hoping that it would take
his homosexual feelings away, but it didn’t.
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Benji Schwimmer |
I think something occurred deep within me as I experienced
this profoundly moving story of Benji’s.
It was as if it allowed me to question what I had held as spiritually unquestionable
my whole life. It was as if I was not
bound anymore by religious ritual or custom or practice. For Benji, and now for me, what was paramount
was not what the Church taught, but what my relationship was/is with Heavenly
Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. To the
degree that the Church facilitated my relationship with these Heavenly Beings,
I could/would follow its teachings. But
to the degree that Church practice was at variance with what my heart and mind
were being told by the Holy Spirit, I would question such practice and do what
I felt the Spirit was directing me to do.
It was near
the end of the year that I watched John Dehlin give a TED Talk at Utah State
University about why he as a straight man is an LGBT Ally; in other words, why
he actively supported the LGBT cause. As
I listened to him, I realized that I shared his thoughts and feelings and that
I too must become an LGBT Ally.
I heard
this Talk after having read and then posted on this Blog the three articles
dealing with varying aspects and challenges of the LGBT community. Again, it seemed that God was taking me down
this unknown path that was important for me to walk.
Near the end of 2013, with my beard |
On one
level, I suppose that I have become more critical of Church leadership, at
least on a Stake and General level. I do
not automatically accept what I hear but think about it, and occasionally pray
about it, and if it feels right, then I make it mine. If not, if it feels like opinion and the
Spirit does not confirm it to my heart, then I dismiss it. At
times I am disappointed at the institutional Church and the decisions it
makes. Maybe I have become more cynical.
But I still
have a strong testimony that the Church, led by fallible men and women, is the
Church that God wants me to belong to. I yet have a strong testimony of Joseph Smith, of the Book of Mormon, of the
organization of the Church, of power in the priesthood and the importance of
temples, of many doctrines of the Church like tithing. I still believe in the Plan of Salvation. I am appreciative of all of the service that is done by members around me and around the world, and the good that the instirutional Church does all over the world.
But I feel that I am a different man than I was
just six months ago. Besides being an
LGBT Ally, I am not the same member of the Church that I have been all my
life. I’m more open to other people,
other ways of thinking, other ideas, other ways to live life, other ways to
find happiness. I feel more grace. I feel more contentment
than I have ever felt. I feel more in
love with my wife and feel more love for my children and loved ones. I feel more capable of loving than I have
ever felt.
Which leads
me to what I ultimately wanted to say in this blog posting. For the first 59½ years of my life, I have
parted my red hair on the side, and for many years used a comb and then a brush
(for the last 25 years, my father’s Fuller Brush) to straighten out my curly
hair. To me, my parted red hair has
represented who I have been for most of my life: conservative, predictable,
common, conforming.
In the beginning of
2014, as a manifestation of my newly found life and beliefs, I decided to see
what my hair looked like without brushing it. I liked it! I decided to let it be what it is—naturally curly. It was my way of "coming out." All that I do now is wash it, towel dry it,
run my fingers through it, and leave the bathroom to live my life. Does my red hair always look neat? No, because I am no longer neat. To quote Popeye, I am what I am, and now my
red hair is what it is: natural and curly!
Kind of like me now! Truly, RED IN TRANSITION!
Thank you for writing this, I love how honest and open you are. It is refreshing. I too, have learned through much struggle that the church leadership is not perfect, many mistakes have been made, that teachings are totally different from doctrine, and that I have the ability to pray for myself to find truth. Knowing that my church is imperfect has liberated me greatly.
I have wondered about LGBT issues and what my attitude should be concerning them. I watched the interview with Benji as well as the Ted Talk you referenced. They were both moving and my heart just broke listening to the struggles that these people face. I cannot pretend to understand what it would feel like. The one thing that was missing from both of those though, was the beautiful concept that Jesus Christ will heal and make all things right. He died for this very purpose. I immediately thought of the “Because of Him” video. My younger brother, who I think you know, wants so badly to have a family, but that may not be in the cards for him because of his disabilities. I know that one day, he will have that chance! There are things in my life that I did not choose that broke me (mind you, they seem so tiny in comparison to the issues these people face) and I had no control over them, but all was made right. I know He will do the same for all His children. I don't want this to sound dismissive or insensitive, but I also do not want to undermine Jesus Christ and the power of the Atonement.
In the church, we are taught that gender is an essential part of the creators’ plan. (I know not all are in agreeance with this concept) I believe God to be a man and a women—our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I believe Adam and Eve are our first parents who are an example for us. So encouraging gay relationships, isn't that just a temporary fix if it is not an eternal truth? Conversely, also believe in AGENCY is prohibiting gay marriage always seemed a bit…off… clearly, it is hard to reconcile my feelings towards this issue. One thing I do know is that there is always room for more love and understanding, and I hope to gain that. I would love to hear more of your thoughts….
Also, you referenced church policy changing regarding masturbation…. can you clarify that? That kinda threw me for a loop.
Lastly, keep the curls!
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